Order Now Tri-Band Yaesu VX-6R Submersible Amateur Ham Radio Transceiver (144/222/440) . We Compare and Choose Low Prices to offer You Here! Best Offers Today !
Yaesu VX-6R Triband Amateur Radio Transceiver.
144/222/440 xmit (2 meter, 1.25 meter & 70cm), plus 0.5-999Mhz receive range too (AM/FMN/FMW, less cellular).
Built-in PL & DPL, Alphanumeric.
Can receive AM/FM broadcast radio, Shortwave, CB, Police, Weather, Aircraft & marine bands.
Includes Antenna, HiCap 1500Ma Batt & charger.
Waterproof & submersible (rated 3ft for 30 mins).
Has a security password feature, built-in morse code trainer, black magnesium case.